
How To Connect Things To The Internet – #iotFriday

Welcome to the first edition of thethings.iO #IoTFriday whiteboard video.

Today we want to talk to you about how to connect things to the Internet.

Transcription of the video

Hello thethings.iO friends! This is a new edition of the #IoTFriday!
Today i’m going to talk about how to connect things to the Internet with my new Koubachi, a sensor plant that help me to water my plants.

Internet of Things is today a trendy topic. Introduced at 1999 by Kevin Ashton englobes a bigger picture of how to connect anything to the Internet.

The tools that we have today enables anyone to connect cheap and easy to programme hardware inside everyday objects. This new connectivity allows designers, programmers and engineers build different uses for those objects for different industrial or consumer applications.


Below is the whiteboard in which Marc explained how to connect things to the Internet.

Whiteboard of how to connect things to the Internet #iotFriday

Whiteboard of how to connect things to the Internet #iotFriday


We hope you like it and see you at next week’s #IoTFriday. Be sure to use thethings.iO  to connect anything to the Internet.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter!