

Top 3 DIY Platforms #IoTFriday

Welcome to the newest edition of the IoTFriday at thethings.iO. Today we will be speaking to you about our favorite DIY platform to develop Internet of Things projects. It typically isn’t the hardware you need but actually the needs of the project that is the deciding factor in which platform to choose.

We have selected Arduino, Electric Imp and Intel Edison as some of our 3 favorite do-it-yourself electronic platforms.


Top 3 DIY platforms - #IoTFriday

Top 3 DIY platforms – #IoTFriday

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Oktoberfest of Things – #IoTFriday

Welcometo IoTFriday at thethings.iO. This weekend Oktoberfest will be taking place in Munich. For those of you who have never been, it’s a huge, gorgeous party with lots of food and beer. We get the opportunity to co-organize the 3rd edition of the Oktoberfest of Things hackathon. The main goal is to connect Oktoberfest beers to the Internet.

Today at the IoTFriday I’m going to talk about the Oktoberfest of Things and how to connect beers to the Internet.

Oktoberfest of Things whiteboard

Oktoberfest of Things whiteboard

At thethings.iO, we would love to see your projects working with our cloud platform. Feel free to send us your ideas and we will do what we can to help make them real!

Oktoberfest of Things IoTFriday

Oktoberfest of Things IoTFriday

DISCLAIMER: Be careful and don’t mix alcohol with the Internet of Things.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter!