Interview: Fostering a Culture of Innovation

In today’s fiercely competitive business landscape, organizations face mounting pressure to foster a culture of innovation in order to stay relevant and thrive. Innovation has become a vital driver of success, enabling companies to adapt to change, drive growth, and seize new opportunities. In this comprehensive analysis, we explore the strategies, practices, and industry data that underline the significance of fostering a culture of innovation within businesses, drawing on insightful perspectives from industry leaders and experts.


The Power of Cross-Functional Collaboration:


2In today’s interconnected and complex environment, breaking down silos and encouraging collaboration across departments and teams has become crucial for organizations striving to drive innovation.


Research conducted by McKinsey highlights the impact of cross-functional collaboration on innovation. Companies that prioritize collaboration across different functions are 1.5 times more likely to be innovative. This statistic emphasizes the need to create an environment that facilitates the exchange of ideas, encourages knowledge sharing, and fosters collective ownership and accountability.


Xavier-Marti Carne, CEO of, stresses the significance of cross-functional collaboration in driving innovation within the company. He states: “Throughout our journey at, we have witnessed the remarkable transformative power that arises when we break down departmental barriers and foster a culture of collaboration. By creating an environment where diverse perspectives converge, we unlock the potential for groundbreaking innovations that transcend conventional boundaries. This commitment to collaboration has been nothing short of instrumental in propelling our company’s unprecedented success and enabling us to maintain a leading edge in the highly competitive market landscape.”


Embracing a Growth Mindset:


Cultivating a growth mindset is another crucial element in fostering a culture of innovation. A growth mindset, characterized by a passion for learning, resilience, and a willingness to embrace challenges, fuels the pursuit of innovation and drives individuals to surpass their limits.


Research by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck supports the importance of a growth mindset in innovation. Individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to embrace innovation and demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges. Organizations that nurture a growth mindset create an environment that encourages curiosity, risk-taking, and continuous learning – essential ingredients for driving innovation.


Xavier, highlights the significance of a growth mindset at his company, stating, “We instill a culture that encourages calculated risks, experimentation, and learning from both successes and failures. By fostering a growth mindset, we empower our team to think creatively, explore uncharted territories, and stay at the forefront of innovation. Our employees are encouraged to take ownership of their ideas and are provided with the resources and support needed to turn those ideas into reality. This mindset of constant learning and improvement has been a driving force behind our innovation-driven culture.”



Building a Culture of Innovation:


Successfully fostering a culture of innovation requires a comprehensive approach that combines cross-functional collaboration, a growth mindset, and the utilization of emerging technologies. Companies must prioritize collaboration and create opportunities for interdisciplinary teams to work together, facilitating the exchange of ideas and fostering a collective sense of ownership.


Furthermore, organizations should invest in cultivating a growth mindset by encouraging continuous learning, embracing failure as an opportunity for growth, and providing resources for innovation initiatives. By nurturing a growth mindset, companies inspire employees to think creatively, take risks, and challenge the status quo.


Embracing emerging technologies can also fuel innovation within businesses. Leveraging tools like data analytics, artificial intelligence, and automation can streamline processes, uncover insights, and create new possibilities for innovation.


Xavier, adds his perspective on building a culture of innovation, stating, “At, we believe that innovation stems from a mindset that is open to new possibilities and embraces challenges. By nurturing a growth mindset, we encourage our employees to take ownership of their ideas, explore innovative solutions, and continuously strive for improvement. We also invest in emerging technologies that empower our teams to leverage data, automation, and artificial intelligence to drive innovation across our organization. This holistic approach has allowed us to foster a culture of innovation that fuels our company’s growth and positions us as a leader in our industry.”



Fostering a culture of innovation is no longer a luxury but a strategic imperative for businesses seeking long-term success. By prioritizing cross-functional collaboration, cultivating a growth mindset, and harnessing emerging technologies, organizations can unlock their full innovation potential.


The insights provided by industry leaders, such as Xavier, shed light on the transformative power of fostering a culture of innovation. These insights, combined with industry data and research, underscore the critical role that collaboration, a growth mindset, and technological advancements play in driving innovation within businesses.


As companies navigate the dynamic business landscape, the cultivation of a culture of innovation becomes a key differentiator. By embracing these principles, organizations can position themselves as industry leaders, driving positive change and delivering value to both their customers and employees.

How IoT Technology Can Drive Environmental Impact

Building a Sustainable Future

In today’s rapidly changing world, the need for sustainable practices has become more pressing than ever before. As we face the consequences of climate change, it is crucial to explore innovative solutions that can help us build a sustainable future. One technology that holds immense potential in driving environmental impact is the Internet of Things (IoT). In this article, we will delve into the ways in which IoT technology can revolutionize sustainability efforts and pave the way for a greener tomorrow.

Connecting Devices for Efficient Resource Management

At the heart of IoT lies the ability to connect and communicate with various devices, ranging from sensors and appliances to industrial machinery and vehicles. By leveraging this connectivity, organizations can achieve significant improvements in resource management, leading to reduced waste and increased efficiency.

For instance, in the agricultural sector, IoT-enabled sensors can monitor soil moisture levels, weather conditions, and crop health, allowing farmers to optimize irrigation and fertilizer usage. According to a report by McKinsey, these IoT applications have the potential to increase water efficiency by up to 20% and reduce chemical usage by up to 20%, resulting in significant cost savings and environmental benefits.

Similarly, in smart cities, IoT technology can enable efficient energy management by connecting streetlights, buildings, and transportation systems. Real-time data collection and analysis facilitate better energy distribution, leading to reduced power consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The International Energy Agency estimates that implementing IoT solutions in smart buildings and cities could reduce global energy consumption by 10% to 15% and greenhouse gas emissions by 3.8 gigatons of CO2 by 2030.

Environmental Monitoring and Conservation

IoT technology has the potential to revolutionize environmental monitoring and conservation efforts. By deploying sensors and connected devices in natural habitats, researchers can collect real-time data on various ecological parameters, such as air and water quality, temperature, and biodiversity. This data provides valuable insights for conservationists and policymakers, helping them make informed decisions about preserving and restoring fragile ecosystems.

Additionally, IoT-powered solutions can play a crucial role in wildlife protection. For example, by equipping animals with tracking devices, conservationists can monitor their movements and behaviour, aiding in the identification of migration patterns, breeding grounds, and areas at risk. Such insights contribute to the development of effective conservation strategies and the protection of endangered species.


Waste Management and Recycling

IoT technology can revolutionize waste management and recycling systems, addressing one of the major challenges of our time. Smart waste bins equipped with sensors can monitor their fill levels, enabling optimized waste collection routes, and reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from collection vehicles. Furthermore, these sensors can identify specific types of waste, facilitating efficient recycling processes.

By implementing IoT-enabled solutions in recycling plants, sorting and processing operations can be automated, improving accuracy and reducing human error. This automation increases recycling rates and minimizes contamination, enabling a more sustainable approach to waste management. According to the World Economic Forum, by 2025, IoT-enabled waste management systems could save cities up to $1.5 trillion in operational costs globally.


Consumer Awareness and Sustainable Lifestyles

In addition to its applications in industries and infrastructure, IoT technology can empower individuals to make more sustainable choices in their daily lives. Smart home devices can monitor energy usage, provide real-time feedback, and suggest energy-saving actions. Smart appliances can optimize their operation based on user preferences and peak energy hours. Such interventions not only reduce energy consumption but also raise consumer awareness about sustainable practices. Research conducted by the IoT Analytics Market Report suggests that by 2025, smart home devices and appliances could potentially reduce global energy consumption by 10% to 15%, translating into an annual energy cost savings of $110 to $220 billion.

The potential of IoT technology in driving environmental impact is vast and promising. From efficient resource management and environmental monitoring to waste management and consumer awareness, IoT offers innovative solutions to some of the most pressing sustainability challenges. Embracing IoT-driven initiatives can help us build a greener and more sustainable future where technology works in harmony with nature to safeguard our planet for generations to come.

Retail Reinvented: Unleashing the Power of IoT

In the dynamic world of retail, where customers’ expectations are ever-evolving, staying ahead of the game is crucial. Enter the transformative force of IoT– a game-changer that empowers retailers to revolutionize their operations, enhance customer experiences, and boost sales. One leading player in this realm is In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into how is shaping the future of retail by leveraging IoT solutions. From creating immersive shopping experiences to optimizing inventory management and personalizing customer interactions, get ready to discover the incredible possibilities that IoT brings to the retail landscape.


Crafting Immersive Shopping Experiences:

Picture stepping into a retail store where every step you take unlocks a personalized journey. With’s IoT solutions, retailers can create immersive shopping experiences that captivate customers from the moment they enter. Imagine smart shelves that instantly display product details, recommendations, and real-time pricing, or interactive displays that engage shoppers with interactive content and promotions. By seamlessly integrating IoT devices and sensors, retailers can transform physical stores into engaging environments that bridge the gap between the digital and physical realms, leaving customers in awe and eager to explore further.


Optimizing Inventory Management for Seamless Operations:

Effective inventory management is the lifeblood of any retail business. harnesses the power of IoT to enable retailers to optimize inventory management processes, ensuring shelves are always stocked with the right products. IoT sensors can monitor inventory levels in real-time, triggering automatic replenishment orders and reducing instances of stockouts or overstocking. With accurate inventory data at their fingertips, retailers can streamline supply chains, minimize wastage, and make informed decisions to meet customer demands efficiently. By leveraging IoT-enabled inventory management solutions, retailers can enhance operational efficiency and ultimately improve profitability.

Personalizing Customer Interactions for Unforgettable Experiences:

Customers crave personalized experiences that make them feel seen and understood. Here’s where IoT shines in the retail space.’s IoT solutions enable retailers to gather and analyze customer data, allowing for highly targeted and personalized interactions. Imagine a world where a customer receives personalized recommendations on their mobile device as they navigate the store, or where their favourite products are automatically suggested based on their past purchases. By leveraging IoT, retailers can deliver seamless, personalized experiences that forge deeper connections with customers, enhance loyalty, and drive repeat business.


The Pain Points Addressed by IoT in Retail:

The retail landscape is not without its challenges. IoT offers solutions to address pain points faced by retailers, such as inefficient inventory management, lack of real-time insights, and disconnected customer experiences. By leveraging the power of IoT, retailers can overcome these challenges, ensuring smoother operations, improved decision-making, and elevated customer satisfaction. IoT brings real-time visibility, data-driven insights, and automation to the retail industry, helping retailers adapt to changing market trends and stay competitive in an ever-evolving landscape.


The Emotional Urgency: Why Retailers Can’t Afford to Ignore IoT:

In a highly competitive retail market, the emotional urgency to adopt IoT solutions becomes paramount. Retailers who embrace IoT can gain a significant competitive edge, offering innovative experiences that differentiate them from the crowd. By leveraging IoT to create immersive shopping experiences, optimize inventory management, and personalize interactions, retailers can build stronger customer relationships, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive sales growth. In today’s fast-paced world, where customers demand seamless, tailored experiences, retailers must harness the power of IoT to thrive and succeed.

The retail industry is undergoing a transformation, and is at the forefront of this revolution. By leveraging IoT solutions, retailers can unlock the full potential of their businesses, elevating customer experiences and driving sales growth. It’s time to reimagine retail, to step into a future where every interaction is tailored, every experience is immersive, and every decision is data-driven.

If you’re ready to embrace the power of IoT and transform your retail business, look no further than Our expertise in IoT solutions, coupled with our dedication to innovation, can help you navigate the ever-changing retail landscape with confidence. Contact today and let us show you how we can revolutionize your operations, engage your customers, and propel your business to new heights.

Don’t let the opportunity pass you by. Embrace the power of IoT, partner with, and embark on a journey of retail reinvention. Together, we can shape a future where customer experiences are unparalleled, sales are soaring, and your retail business stands out from the crowd.

Contact us today at, and let’s unlock the power of IoT together. The retail revolution starts here with

IoT Powered Connected Farms


In today’s rapidly advancing world, the integration of technology and agriculture has transformed traditional farming practices into modern, digitally connected farms. With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), farmers now have access to a wealth of data, analytics, and real-time information about their crops and farming conditions. Among the leading platforms driving this revolution is, empowering farmers to make data-driven decisions and optimize their agricultural operations.


Harnessing Data for Informed Decision-Making

One of the fundamental aspects of digitally connected farms powered by IoT is the ability to collect and utilize vast amounts of data. The integration of sensors, devices, and IoT platforms like enables farmers to gather data on various aspects of their farming operations. For example, soil moisture sensors can monitor the water content in the soil, helping farmers determine the optimal irrigation schedule. Temperature and humidity sensors provide insights into environmental conditions, while light intensity sensors assist in optimizing greenhouse operations. Additionally, smart pest monitoring systems can detect pest activity, enabling farmers to take preventive measures.

By gathering this data in real time, farmers can have a comprehensive view of their crop’s health and make informed decisions regarding irrigation, fertilization, and pest control measures. The data collected from these sensors can be transmitted wirelessly to platform, where it is processed and analyzed.


Analyzing Insights for Optimal Resource Allocation

The availability of data is only valuable if it can be transformed into actionable insights. The advanced analytics capabilities offered by empower farmers to process the collected data and derive meaningful insights. By leveraging data visualization tools and customizable dashboards, farmers can monitor crop growth patterns, identify trends, and detect anomalies.

For example, by analyzing soil moisture data over time, farmers can identify areas of their fields that consistently suffer from dryness or excessive moisture. This information allows them to optimize irrigation practices and ensure uniform water distribution, thereby improving crop yields. Similarly, by tracking temperature and humidity data, farmers can identify climate patterns that influence crop growth and adjust their cultivation practices accordingly.

Advanced analytics can also help farmers optimize resource allocation. By examining historical data, farmers can identify optimal planting and harvesting times, leading to better crop yields and reduced losses. Furthermore, analytics can assist in identifying potential risks and providing early warnings. For instance, if certain weather conditions are associated with disease outbreaks, farmers can take preventive measures to protect their crops.


Predictive Analytics for Improved Planning

Predictive analytics takes data analysis a step further by utilizing machine learning algorithms to forecast future outcomes. By analyzing historical data and environmental conditions, can predict crop yields, disease outbreaks, and other crucial factors. This empowers farmers to plan their operations effectively, maximize productivity, and minimize losses.

For instance, predictive analytics can help farmers determine the optimal time to plant their crops based on weather patterns and historical data. By leveraging this information, farmers can make more accurate predictions about the yield potential of their crops and plan their resources accordingly. Additionally, predictive analytics can assist in predicting disease outbreaks by analyzing environmental conditions and historical disease patterns. This allows farmers to take preemptive measures, such as applying appropriate pesticides or implementing crop rotation strategies.


Seamless Integration for Holistic Farm Management

Digitally connected farms powered by IoT thrive on the seamless integration of various components within the farming ecosystem. The integration of with other farm management systems, weather forecasts, market pricing platforms, and more, provides farmers with a holistic view of their operations.

By integrating weather forecast data, farmers can proactively plan for adverse weather conditions and adjust their farming practices accordingly. They can optimize resource allocation, such as adjusting irrigation schedules based on rainfall predictions. Additionally, integration with market pricing platforms enables farmers to stay updated on market trends, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding crop selection and sales strategies.


Real-Time Alerts and Notifications

Real-time alerts and notifications play a critical role in ensuring that farmers stay informed about critical events and potential issues. The data collected from various sensors and devices is analyzed in real-time, allowing for immediate detection of anomalies or deviations from expected parameters.

For example, if a sudden drop in soil moisture is detected, the farmer receives an alert on their mobile device or through a web interface. This prompt notification enables the farmer to take immediate action, such as adjusting irrigation or investigating potential equipment malfunctions. Similarly, if the temperature in a greenhouse rises beyond a certain threshold, an alert is triggered, allowing farmers to intervene and prevent damage to their crops.


Challenges and Considerations

While digitally connected farms powered by IoT offer tremendous benefits, there are some challenges and considerations that farmers should be aware of. Firstly, the implementation of IoT technologies requires an initial investment in hardware, sensors, and connectivity infrastructure. Farmers need to carefully assess their budget and determine the cost-effectiveness of implementing IoT solutions.

Additionally, data security and privacy are crucial aspects that need to be addressed. As data is transmitted and stored in the cloud, farmers must ensure that appropriate measures are in place to protect their sensitive information. Data encryption, access controls, and secure communication protocols are essential to safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality of farm data.

Moreover, the interoperability of different IoT devices and platforms can be a challenge. Farmers should choose solutions that offer compatibility with a wide range of sensors and devices, ensuring seamless integration and data exchange.


The Future of Digitally Connected Farms

The integration of IoT technologies in agriculture represents a significant paradigm shift in farming practices. Further enhancements and innovations can be expected as technology advances in the field of digitally connected farms.

Artificial intelligence (AI) combined with IoT holds potential for growth. AI algorithms analyze large datasets, identify patterns, and provide more accurate predictive models. AI-powered image recognition systems can detect and classify pests or diseases by analyzing images captured by drones or cameras, aiding in early detection and targeted treatment.

Advancements in edge computing and analytics allow for real-time processing at the edge of the network, reducing latency and dependency on cloud infrastructure. This enables faster decision-making critical for time-sensitive farming operations.

Integration of IoT with emerging technologies like blockchain enhances traceability and transparency in the agricultural supply chain. Blockchain technology securely records and tracks each stage of the production process, ensuring food safety and quality.


Digitally connected farms powered by IoT, such as those enabled by, have the potential to revolutionize the agriculture industry. Through the collection and analysis of data, farmers can make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and improve crop yields. The integration of IoT technologies with advanced analytics, predictive modelling, and seamless data integration opens up new possibilities for sustainable, efficient, and data-driven farming practices.

However, it is essential for farmers to carefully evaluate their specific needs, consider the challenges, and choose IoT solutions that best fit their requirements. With continued advancements in technology and increased adoption of IoT in agriculture, the future holds great promise for digitally connected farms, paving the way for a more productive and sustainable agricultural sector.

Leveraging IoT Technology for Sustainable and Compliant Lighting Solutions


How an Enterprise IoT Platform Can Help Companies Avoid Fines from Non-Compliance with EU Ecodesign Requirements for Lighting


European Union (EU) regulations ensure that products are designed with energy efficiency in mind. By establishing minimum energy efficiency standards, the 2009 Ecodesign Directive seeks to reduce the environmental impact of energy-related products such as lighting. The directive sets minimum energy efficiency requirements for lamps, luminaires, and control equipment sold in the European Union. The requirements are intended to guarantee that lighting products sold in the EU are energy-efficient and eco-friendly.


The directive is part of a more considerable EU effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance energy efficiency. Reducing energy consumption in lighting products can contribute to significant energy savings and reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, as lighting accounts for a substantial portion of global energy consumption.


Noncompliance with the EU Ecodesign Directive for lighting products can have severe repercussions. Companies found selling non-compliant products are subject to fines and other penalties, including removing their products from the market. Fines for noncompliance can vary based on the severity and duration of the violation, as well as the company’s size.


The penalties for noncompliance can range from simple warnings to significant fines. For instance, a company discovered to be selling non-compliant products may be fined up to 10% of its annual revenue. In addition to monetary penalties, noncompliance can harm a company’s reputation and brand image, making future business problematic.


Therefore, companies must guarantee that their lighting products comply with the EU Ecodesign Directive. Utilizing an enterprise IoT platform can assist businesses in achieving compliance, avoiding sanctions, and increasing the energy efficiency of their lighting products.


Benefits of a Lighting Compliance IoT Platform


An IoT platform can offer numerous advantages for lighting compliance.


First, it facilitates remote lighting fixture monitoring and control. By utilizing a centralized dashboard, businesses can rapidly identify and address energy consumption and performance issues. This may involve adjusting illumination levels based on occupancy, time of day, or natural light, as well as identifying fixtures that are not functioning correctly or are inefficient.


A second benefit of an IoT platform is that it provides insights regarding the efficacy of lighting fixtures over time. Companies can identify trends and make informed decisions regarding future enhancements or replacements by analyzing data over weeks, months, or even years. This ensures that products continue to comply with EU energy efficiency standards throughout their lifecycle.


A platform for IoT can also automate compliance reporting. The platform can autonomously collect and aggregate data on energy consumption and performance, making it more straightforward for businesses to demonstrate EU compliance. This can aid businesses in avoiding the penalties and reputational harm associated with non-compliance.


Lastly, an IoT platform can provide cost savings by increasing energy efficiency. Businesses can reduce their long-term electricity costs by identifying inefficiencies and reducing energy consumption. Moreover, by automating compliance reporting and avoiding fines, businesses can reduce regulatory compliance expenses.


How Can Assist IoT platform offers a comprehensive illumination compliance solution. It provides monitoring and control of lighting fixtures in real-time, as well as analytics and reporting tools that can help identify areas for enhancement. Additionally, the platform is interoperable with various Internet of Things sensors, making it simple to integrate with existing infrastructure.

A case study demonstrates how assisted a business in achieving compliance and cost reduction. The company was able to monitor and adjust illumination levels based on occupancy, which reduced energy consumption by 20%. In addition, the platform facilitated automated compliance reporting, which saved the business time and money.




In conclusion, an enterprise IoT platform can help businesses assure lighting product compliance with the EU’s Ecodesign Directive. By accumulating and analyzing data on energy consumption and performance, businesses are able to identify areas for improvement and make educated decisions regarding upgrades or replacements.
Moreover, by automating compliance reporting and avoiding fines, businesses can reduce regulatory compliance expenses.
In the end, an IoT platform can assist businesses in achieving their sustainability objectives while also reducing expenses and enhancing their bottom line. Utilizing IoT platform, businesses can create compliant and sustainable lighting solutions, avoid fines, and save money.

UX Design applied to IoT platforms

In a product, whatever the field, UX design can change everything. UX Design, for User Experience Design, puts the user at the center of its reflexion. 

How does UX design fit into a connected object project? And how does this approach serve the IoT? 

UX Design questions the needs and expectations of users. Its goal is to create a product that is as close as possible to the expected uses. Following this, we get rid of the superfluous to develop a project that exactly meets the expectations of users.  

UX Design, what is this?

UX design is a hollistic approach that focuses on the user and the experience he will have with the product.
The experience here is decomposed in 3 steps: 

  1. The perception. This is the subjective part, the emotional reactions of the user to a product (joy, satisfaction, irritation, frustration…)
  2. The usability. This is the objective part. It is therefore the ability of the product to meet the needs of users. It is based on three points: 
  • Effectiveness: the product meets the needs,
  • Efficiency : the product is optimized to meet the needs easily and quickly, 
  • Satisfaction: the product is pleasant to use.
  1. The habit. Experience is generally built over time. By offering a good experience, the customer is loyal and habits are created. 

UX applied to the connected objects sector

UX design is a very common development step for digital platforms, especially web and mobile applications, websites, etc. But what is different for IoT? 

The multi-device, multi-information notion

When we want to apply UX Design to the development of connected objects, we have to consider the notion of multi-platforms, which complicates the UX Design approach.

It is this mix of the physical/mechanical part (the object) and the associated digital journey (platform) that must form a coherent whole. 

A bad experience of one or the other can “kill” the global product (an incomprehensible installation procedure, the obligation to create an account or to share too much personal information at the wrong time, bugs, instabilities, an operation difficult to understand, parameters not found…).

Thus, here, the notion of inter-usability is a key component!

As we work with several components on different devices, inter-usability plays an essential role. It’s about understanding. 

  • How do the components interact with each other or with the digital parts? 
  • What happens on the product related to the actions/info available in a mobile app or on a website? 
  • How do we move from one interface to another? 
  • Are there clear markers?
  • Is it coherent?
  •  And how does the object communicate with an application? 

Technical and technological choices

IoT is a more complex ecosystem with numerous players and a plethora of technologies, each with their own characteristics.

It requires a slower process than the design of a “classic” web interface. The technical choices must also take into account the users’ expectations.

Example: if we choose a radio protocol, we also choose its range, its frequency, its flow…

Thus, it is necessary to have first information on the needs of its users, as well as the future environment of use of the product to direct its choices as well as possible and to avoid nonsense.

And it is also important to take into account the “global experience” to be able to integrate other characteristics, which must be aligned with the future use of the product (standards and certifications, safety…).

In conclusion, today, UX design is an essential and unavoidable approach in the design of a tech product and especially of IoT platforms. 




At thethings.iO, since 2021, we have integrated to the team an internal UX designer who has done a major visual redesign of the platform. The advantage of having this type of profile in-house in a technology company is that now every new feature, new functionality or new project will be studied from its launch with a UX point of view!

Ricard Simon, UX designer at thethings.iO answers some of our questions about the importance of UX for IoT platforms


According to you, which points are really blocking and can prevent customers from choosing an IoT platform? 

I think the main frustration of customers experience is the Data management that all IoT platforms have. Google has quick and efficient data management and a fast reaction to each stimulation, so expectations of most users, nowadays, are high. If the user waits a little bit too long, he will quit the platform and not come back.

One of the solutions to fight this is having a quality code and architecture behind the platform and giving more knowledge to our customers to understand how it works. 

We know from experience that error pages create a lot of frustration for users, what strategy have you put in place at thethings.iO to avoid this?

On the platform, we have made the choice not to have an error page. 

If an error does occur, it will be notified to the user in the form of a pop-up notification.
Half of the error messages on the platforms are due to the fact that the customer does not have access to a facility or a tool… 

Our users have some freedom on the software platform, but we are always improving our code to guide them more on how much freedom they actually have. In this sense, errors occur when the user goes to an unauthorized section or does something that the software team does not control, so we are controlling the code more. 

From my point of view, I find error pages frustrating because they often show an error code that users are not able to identify and understand. Removing them and replacing them with notifications that explain the cause of the problem limits the dissatisfaction of our users because they can understand the problem. 

In IoT platforms, data visualization is an influencing aspect to customers, but it is now something that all platforms support, how do you emphasize this at thethings.iO?

I do not fully agree that all platforms support a modern and actual aspect of their platform. Most of the Software solutions are made with a professional IT aspect, consequently not following the modern trend which is round angles and less shadow. We just re-made our design to be “on the page”. However, we offer wide freedom to users to customize the dashboards, so it’s up to them to change the design to their liking. 

To answer your question, at thethings.iO we have chosen to focus on freedom, multitasking and support on our platform. Design is just a tool to better perform on these topics but not the core of our business. 

With your technical eye, what advice would you give to customers to quickly realize if the user experience of a platform is well-made for their use?

I combine several hats and with my dual role of User eXperience Designer and Full-Stack Developer, I see different needs.  I’ve noticed that the most important thing about a platform is to be guided through the process with step pop-ups, real-world case examples, a library of information, and possible support from the engineering team. Specifically, this process guidance should be intuitive to users, and they should not have to search for hours on end to figure out how to do something.

Becoming aware of whether the platform fits the users’ needs or not is therefore normally something they can realize very quickly. It’s a bit of a fit, you log in, you navigate quickly… if you quickly decipher how it works you continue to explore the features, if you get stuck on several steps because nothing is clear then I advise you to try something else. 

I will add a small detail that applies to me and I think to all other UX platforms. What helps us in our business is customers’ feedbacks. Unfortunately, the customers who are satisfied enough tell us what is wrong so that we can improve it, but the unsatisfied ones leave and don’t insist. As a user, know that constructive comments are always appreciated! Don’t hesitate to pass on the information to your contacts in a company, whether they are good or not so good. 


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MWC 23 highlights for Iot

What a show! Diprotech – teams were out at MWC 2023 in Barcelona – and we were not disappointed.

We spent exciting days there, discovering the stands of the different exhibitors. The show is huge, so we focused on the topics that interest us most at the latest developments in private LTE/5G, the 5G IoT device ecosystem, SIM cards and IoT connectivity. Here are a few things we will remember about it: 

Private 5G is on the rise

For the past few years, we’ve realized that private 5G is a hot topic in the mobile industry. Continued functional improvements in cellular technology, as well as a massive increase in the availability of dedicated spectrum for industries, are opening up a wide range of opportunities for the cellular ecosystem, fueling a wave of investment.

Major players in the field Microsoft, Cisco, AT&T… continue on the trajectory announced last year that Rather than replacing Wi-Fi networks, private 5G networks will likely sit alongside them to serve security and reliability demanding applications.

Even if 5G was in very strong presence, 6G has also been attracting people!
While some of the big names in telecom have admitted at various conferences that we don’t yet know exactly what 6G is, how much it will cost and what problems it will solve, the technology is already here and is getting a lot of attention.
All stressed the value of bringing together the operator community and the broader value chain to solicit input and understand the potential use cases in the 6G era, perhaps especially in areas where 5G may not support some of the new applications being considered, such as telepresence and immersive video. So keep an eye out this year and we’ll know more at MWC 24!

The wireless factory is the new paperless office

A decade ago, for security, ecological and economic reasons, the trend was towards paperless offices. The craze was huge. Today, the consumption has been greatly reduced but not totally eliminated. This is an analogy for 5G factories. Wireless adoption is a goal, but the implementation process will be gradual and cables will survive. 

More security via IoT SAFE 

There’s a lot going on in the SIM world. Innovations are constant, and the technology is getting more modern every year. The form factor of SIM cards is evolving from traditional plastic SIM cards to dedicated chips, which will soon be integrated into system-on-chips (SoCs). 

Find out more about this in our article on SIMs, eSIMS, iSIMS

A parallel development, which may not be talked about as much, is the use of the SIM as a “root of trust” for end-to-end security of IoT products and services.

This is now a key issue in the choice of SIM vendors, providing an interoperable framework. Following the presentation at MWC22 of the development of the GSMA IoT SAFE standard, we can see one year later that IoT SAFE has been deployed.


Of course, the Mobile World Congress is also about innovations and prototypes that appeal to the general public… Little overview here of the stars of the show:

Visitors’ stars: VR/AR/MR glasses

While we are still waiting for Apple on the subject, big names have shown several products and concepts around virtual reality, mixed or augmented. In this area we saw for example the AirGlass 2 from Oppo, the NEOVISION Glass from ZTE, or the VIVE XR ELITE from HTC which made us shake a lot… 

But the product that was undoubtedly the most dreamy was called Xiaomi Wireless AR Smart Glass Discovery Edition. Okay, the brand would have found shorter. However, between the electrochromic glass, the light guides and other futuristic technologies gathered in this concept, everything seemed to say that Xiaomi wants to overtake Apple on the subject… at least on what the brand imagines of the next category of products that could (or could not) be launched by the firm of Cupertino.

Easy and quick to test, we saw it on many stands, and it is definitely the product that all visitors turned to in order to enjoy experimenting things during the show. 

And after all… it is still a Mobile show

The most attractive stands and innovations for the public were of course those concerning mobile phone innovations. 

Launch announcements

Xiaomi took advantage of the event to present its latest model. We already knew a bit about the smartphone for a week, since it had already been launched in China. Where Xiaomi stands out is on the photo and video – points, on which the brand has not always shone in the past.

The manufacturer signs a very successful smartphone especially on this point thanks to a triple main 50 Mp camera designed (and calibrated) by Leica, for a simply breathtaking result.

Rolling screen technology

We had already seen smartphones, tablets and TVs with scrolling screens – the kind of flexible slab that allows to deliver a device that can change the physical size of its screen, via a mechanism. However, it seemed far from being commercialized as the industrial part seemed complex.  

The last concepts of the kind showed now at MWC23 are however convincing us that this type of devices is finally about to land.

Motorola Rizr – Rollable screen

Foldable smartphones, again

Samsung has been preparing for the rise of foldable smartphones for a few years. And this year, we could see that this technology is now in place at many manufacturers. Like Honor, which continues to move upmarket by launching the Magic Vs. Like Samsung’s Z Fold4, the Magic Vs embeds two screens, one of which is a 6.45″ OLED Full HD 120 Hz seconded by an internal 7.9″flexible screen with a 90 Hz refresh rate and QHD definition.


All in all, the show was interesting and back to the size of the editions before the Covid crisis. 

We are glad to have participated and can already say that we will be present and look forward to the 2024 edition! 


Mobile World Congress 2023: OpenNet, 6G, reality +, metavers… everything to expect from the event

Europe’s largest cell phone and telecommunications conference is back! Every year at the same time, Barcelona will host the Mobile World Congress (MWC) from February 27 to March 2, dedicated to the world of mobility. A must-attend event for young start-ups and major developers, which brings together nearly 75,000 participants to discover all the new products planned for 2023.

Four days to fill up with announcements of smartphones, connected objects and other technologies related to mobile networks: this is the traditional program of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. This 2023 edition could sign the revival of the show after several editions, lead by the global health crisis. The show will take place from February 27 to March 2 in the Catalan capital.

5G – 6 G

Obviously, the mobile conference will put 5G in the spotlight, with the promise of a “5G standalone” finally ready. Today, in many countries, 5G relies on a 4G core network, which limits its capabilities. Very soon, it should switch to the next generation network, to show what it is really capable of.

5G will be a major focus of the conference, with the fifth-generation mobile network already bringing more data – and faster – to millions of devices across Europe.

And while 5G is still in development, its successor is already attracting attention. The sixth-generation 6G mobile network will be necessary for our increasingly connected world, with expanded use in autonomous (or flying) vehicles, smart cities, virtual and augmented reality, and space exploration.


For the 2023 edition of MWC, smartphones are once again the stars of the event. Brands like Honor, Xiaomi, OPPO or OnePlus take advantage of this showcase to launch new products.

The program looks rich at this level, since the biggest names will be present at the fair. Among them, Samsung is expected, whose announcements (the Galaxy S23 series) were made in early February, but also and especially Xiaomi, whose conference is planned for February 26, and which should allow discovering the Xiaomi 13 series.

Other brands are also planning to make their voices heard. Honor, for example, has already announced its intention to hold an event on February 27 at 1:30 p.m. to announce its Magic 5 series and talk about the Magic Vs, which was announced last year but has not yet been launched on the European market. We should also mention Realme, which will hold an event dedicated to its GT3, with a 240W charge, on February 28 at 2:30 pm. Finally, let’s not forget OnePlus, which has promised to show more of its mysterious 11 Concept, unveiled at its European conference in early February, dedicated to the OnePlus 11.

AI and virtual reality at MWC 2023

Beyond the smartphone, all technological fields are represented, from connected objects to connectivity, AI or augmented/virtual reality.

If ChatGPT arrived too late to be the star of CES, the AI battle is now much bigger. Will there be hundreds of startups with projects based on generative models, like OpenAI’s? It is quite possible. Last year, it was the metaverse that was everywhere.


In conclusion, the MWC 2023 promises to be rich in meetings, exchanges, innovation and big announcements, probably back to the level of pre-covid editions.