Entries by Marc Pous


Does Your Thing Need An Open API? #IoTFriday

Welcome to the newest edition of the  IoTFriday segment at thethings.iO. Today, we are trying to answer some questions we have been receiving asking why one should open their devices on API.   Remember that the Internet of Things is a bottom-up technology wave, much like the Web was some years ago. Most of the innovation and new […]


thethings.iO Appeared on Cinco Días

Last week, we were interviewed by Cinco Días newspaper about the Internet of Things in a post entitled “Applying the Internet of Things” in Spanish. In the article thethings.iO and GreenMomit were mentioned as some of the most advanced Internet of Things startups in Spain. The English transcription of the article is: The advantages of connecting everyday […]


Top 3 DIY Platforms #IoTFriday

Welcome to the newest edition of the IoTFriday at thethings.iO. Today we will be speaking to you about our favorite DIY platform to develop Internet of Things projects. It typically isn’t the hardware you need but actually the needs of the project that is the deciding factor in which platform to choose. We have selected Arduino, Electric […]


Oktoberfest of Things – #IoTFriday

Welcometo IoTFriday at thethings.iO. This weekend Oktoberfest will be taking place in Munich. For those of you who have never been, it’s a huge, gorgeous party with lots of food and beer. We get the opportunity to co-organize the 3rd edition of the Oktoberfest of Things hackathon. The main goal is to connect Oktoberfest beers to the Internet. Today […]

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5 steps to Rapid Prototype Your Next Thing – #IoTFriday

Today, we want to share five steps that you should follow to rapid prototype your next thing connected to the Internet. Every time we start a project, we like to think about several things following the schema of the IoTFriday: the goal of the project, requirements, connectivity, data and interaction. The following picture is the […]


thethings.iO Appeared on Expansion Newspaper

Some days ago, thethings.iO appeared on the Expansion newspaper on wearables and Internet of Things article. The article is called “T-Shirts that saves lifes: these startups are going to change the world“. On this article, startups such as FirstV1sion who are also at Wayra Barcelona and Nuubo. We were interviewed by an Expansion journalist. This […]


How To Connect Things To The Internet – #iotFriday

Welcome to the first edition of thethings.iO #IoTFriday whiteboard video. Today we want to talk to you about how to connect things to the Internet. Transcription of the video Hello thethings.iO friends! This is a new edition of the #IoTFriday! Today i’m going to talk about how to connect things to the Internet with my new […]